St. George’s Anglican Church, Parish of the Six Saints St. George’s Anglican Church, Parish of the Six Saints
St. George’s Anglican Church, Parish of the Six Saints is live
10am Eucharist, Pentecost Sunday
The Rev. Canon Chris VanBuskirk
The Rev. Canon Chris VanBuskirk
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Order of Service

Dear friends in Christ, today is the 50th day after Easter, commonly called the Day of Pentecost. It was on this glorious day that God descended upon the Church with the sound of a rushing, mighty wind and in cloven tongues like as of fire, through the Person of His Holy and Eternal Spirit. In this Visitation, the Lord came to fill His bride with divine life, and to abide with her for ever. With glad and grateful hearts, then, for the comfort, peace and joy which is ours through the Holy Ghost, let us pray:

O God, who makest us glad with the yearly remembrance of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon thy disciples in Jerusalem: Grant that we who celebrate before thee the Feast of the Pentecost may continue thine for ever, and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit, until we come to thine eternal kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hymn: 477 (Eisenach)
Act of Praise (following Verse 3)

V/ The Spirit of the Lord filleth the world;
R/ And that which holds all things together knows what is Said. Alleluia. Let us pray
O God of unchangeable power and eternal light; look favourably upon the whole church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; and by the tranquil operation of thy perpetual providence carry out
the work of men’s salvation; that the things that were cast down may be raised up, and that all things may return into unity through Him by whom all things were made, even thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Collect & Lesson for the day:
The Pentecost Anthems (sung)
The Holy Gospel
Nicene Creed
s Talk
181 (Maryton 267)
The Homily
Offertory Hymn:
180 (Winchester Old)
The Intercession
Confession, Absolution
Thanksgiving, Consecration:
Hymns during Communion:
783 (Invocation);485 (Trentham) The Lord’s Prayer and the Gloria in Excelsis
Recessional Hymn:
179 (St. Bees 106)